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Blood Bank

Mengo Hospital has a Blood Bank facility named Mengo Hospital Rotary Blood Bank. This blood bank was started Four years ago by the Rotary Fraternity and Mengo Hospital, the vision bearer being PDG Emmanuel Katongole. The aim of starting the blood bank is to bridge the gap of blood shortage in the country.

The Mengo Hospital Rotary Blood Bank was officially launched on 27th February 2017 by Mr. John F Germ the Rotary International President (2016-2017) and Rt.Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda-Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda.

It started as a blood collection Centre but its growing to become a fully-fledged blood bank only second to Nakasero blood bank in the whole country. The blood bank is regulated by Uganda Blood Transfusion Services UBTS in Nakasero.

This blood bank serves all hospitals around the country with free blood and blood products at NO cost.

The blood bank is open 24hours a day to all hospitals with transfusion licenses.

Mengo Hospital Rotary Blood Bank mainly collects blood from the communities like schools, churches and many more institutions where we run daily field sessions and voluntary donors who walk into the blood bank at Mengo Hospital to donate daily.

This blood bank has greatly contributed to blood availability in the country, we collect and dispatch about 1500 units of blood monthly.

It is headed by DR. KAKUBA FRANK, a medical doctor in Mengo Hospital and a Rotarian as well, specializing in pathology. Rotarian Ronald Kawaddwa is the Board Chair for the Mengo Hospital Rotary Blood Bank.

The steady growth and development of the blood bank has been possible with the continued support of the Rotary Fraternity through several initiatives and Fund raising drives organized by Rotary Uganda.

The Blood Bank has got the various units to boost its operations.

1. Counselling Room-It is in this that pre- donor counselling takes place. Potential donors that visit the blood bank are taken through the benefits of blood donation and educated more about the blood donation exercise. In case you happen to visit the blood bank, our clinical team will advise you on the way forward to becoming a potential donor. We welcome you and encourage you to visit the Mengo Hospital Rotary Blood Bank. Safe Blood Saves Life.

2. Triage Room- In this unit, the potential donor is examined and screened so as to meet the donation requirements. This involves the blood pressure, Body Mass Index, Age and many more.

In case you have a chronic illness, you do not qualify as a potential donor.

3. Donor Room-It is here that the actual exercise of blood donation takes place along side a team of dedicated Laboratory technicians and nursing team to ensure it is a peaceful and successful exercise.

4. Donor Refreshment Room-The donor care takes place here. After the blood donation is done, we do observe and make sure our donors are in good condition before they leave the blood bank.

5. Archives and Records room. We keep a track of records for all our operations and details of the donors that visit the blood bank including those that are received from the field operations. The records system in the blood bank is well computerized. The Records include the Blood Group, and other investigations. It is important to note that at Mengo Hospital while we keep a track of records confidentiality and integrity are paramount in our operations.

 6. Laboratory – In the Laboratory, the scientific processing and testing of blood and its components are done, thus making it safe for dispatch. The blood is stored until needed.

7. Donor Recruitment Section-This unit is responsible for the recruitment  of donors and all the associated social work in the Mengo Hospital Rotary Blood Bank and the field  activities.

Should you need to donate blood right from the blood bank, your workplace, institution, church, school, or plan on a blood donation camp, contact our Donor Recruiter on O782 614 316